5.1 Calling the API from an external system

Once you have obtained an access token, you can call the API.

Present the access token in an Authorization header with a type of Bearer (as detailed in the token_type option in the returned JSON containing your access token).

You must keep track of the lifetime of the token, and request a new token when the current token has expired.

For example, to view the details of a particular person, you use the following:

GET /api/People/{id}

This method requires a parameter dirInfo and the ID of the person – this example uses the following ID:


See the API documentation for the particular requirements for each method.

For example, using cURL:

curl -k -i -X GET "https://myserver.example.com/rest.core/api/People/53F2A29B-376B-4600-867C-2E5BD95AE222" -d "dirInfo=true" -H "Authorization: Bearer <token string>"

or using PowerShell:

# Access token for the API
$token = "<token string>"

# Set the body of the request. The parameters depend on the method being used; 
# see the Swagger-based API documentation for details.
$body = @{dirInfo='true'

# Set the headers for the request
$header = @{Authorization="Bearer $token"

# Call the method. This example obtains the information about a particular 
# person. The user configured for the API must have access to this feature 
# through their role assignment, and must have scope that allows them to 
# view the details of the specified person.
Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri 'https://myserver.example.com/rest.core/api/People/53F2A29B-376B-4600-867C-2E5BD95AE222' -body $body -Headers $header | Select-Object -Expand Content

# Wait for a keypress
Write-Host "`r`nPress any key to continue..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
